What is Crime Victim’s Compensation?
General Overview
“The CVC Program can help pay bills from a crime even when the person who did the crime was not arrested or found guilty at trial. The CVC program is the payor of last resort. This means that you may have to use private or public insurance to pay a bill before CVC can pay a bill. Each CVC Program can make a different decision about payor of last resort on a case by case basis.” https://covictimcomp.org
Crime Victim Compensation (CVC) provides up to $30,000 in reimbursement for expenses related to violent crime, including:
● Medical, dental, and counseling expenses;
● funeral and related expenses;
● crime scene cleaning;
● loss of earnings;
● and other expenses.
Which program do I apply for?
There are 22 CVC programs in Colorado. There is one CVC program in each judicial district. Each CVC program only takes care of the applications for crimes that happened in their judicial district. A judicial district can have one or many counties. To see a map of Colorado judicial districts, click here.
For any other information and to apply for CVC:
Please visit: https://covictimcomp.org to apply and https://dcj.colorado.gov/dcj-offices/ovp/crime-victim-compensation for more general information.